
Monday, September 7, 2009

Ramadan Mubarik! Day Seventeen

Day seventeen already. I've been watching the moon this month. I don't know why, but it has truly been intriguing. I have never really noticed the phases of increase and decrease or as I now like to say, waxing and waning of the moon. Allah is truly amazing and fills our world with simple but complex beauty! Alhamdulillah, I got to really rest and relax today. I revisited a wonderful Quran recitation site and listened to the Qur'an for awhile. It was really nice because I also got to read along as the Qari recited. Tajweed is a beautiful thing Masha allah. The house was so quiet and at rest. The day was overcast and rainy, like mercy from Allah, the rain washed over Seattle leaving lawns, gardens and wildlife refreshed. For iftar, we had leftovers from yesterday. Food always taste better the next day! :)

Dua: Oh Allah, grant me forgiveness and mercy. Oh Allah, bless me with knowledge and wisdom that will benefit my mind and my faith.

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