
Monday, September 7, 2009

Ramadan Mubarik! Day Sixteen!

Ramadan is half done! how time flies. First it was coming, now it is going! Time waits for no one :( all we can do is spend it wisely and for the sake of Allah. We need to spend it doing good deeds and with friends who make us remember Allah and our duties to Him. Today (Sunday) was another busy day, with only one car to spread around and get things done for the day. I got up early to return the rent a car, then came home to rest a little more. I got up a little later to help clean and run a few errands with my little sister. I got home and finished preparing the food for iftar. Then I ran out to pick up a friend to have iftar with us. Na'eem went to Hakim's for the time that the sisters were here. Masha Allah, we had a full house:) It really is a nice feeling to feed fasting muslims with nice food. We had quite a lot of food although we only made spaghetti, fried rice (for vegetarians), tuna and cabbage rolls (to break fast), fried chicken (which we bought), and corn on the cob. Two sisters brought a salad, another brought some cheese and crackers, another some curry fried chicken, another some spicy barley, lastly some dessert! Masha Allah, it was really nice. Ramadan truly brings sisters together! After everyone had left, I took a deep breath and cleaned the kitchen and prayed. May Allah bless our evening, forgive us our sins and bring us back together in this life and the hereafter. Ameen

Dua: Oh Allah, please bless me with friends who remember you and remind me to remember you. Oh Allah, please do not let me be a distraction to other remembrance of you or cause them to fall behind in their duties to you and do not let others be a distraction to my remembrance of you or cause me to fall behind in my duties to you.

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